Street Corner

Financial independence. Flexible work schedule. Enjoyable work environment. All the benefits of being your own boss are waiting right around the corner.

Franchise Profile

  • Investment Range: $80,000 - $1,500,000
  • Liquid Capital Req: $80,000
  • Net Worth: $200,000
  • Business Type: Franchise
  • In Business Since: 1988
  • Units Sold: 45
  • Financing: Yes, 3rd party
  • Training & Support: Yes
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Street Corner

The Street Corner Urban Market concept is unique and sets us miles apart from traditional, mainstream convenience stores that lack soul and vision. We offer a variety of store formats — including the Urban Superette, Fuel Station, Mall Store, and Mall Kiosk — all of which are built using fresh and innovative designs that vastly improve the shopping experience for our customers and increase profits for our franchisees.

While other industry players often rely on mediocre food offerings, our urban markets offer fresh, appealing, flavorful and, where possible, locally sourced options while our finish-to-order program is designed with speed of service in mind and keeps production costs down. Additionally, we value the use of technology to improve the customer experience, equipping our fuel stores with pay-at-the-pump options, self-checkout options, and after-hours self-pay options -- all true conveniences that improve service and lower labor requirements.

 We offer franchising options not often found in this industry, extensive real estate support, grand opening support (including all design work and assisting opening new stores), and the potential for master franchising through territory representative agreements. Our database of pre-qualified locations is designed to help you quickly and easily identify opportunities in your key markets. Additionally, because customer lifestyle and purchasing decisions will vary depending on store location and format, we offer one-on-one guidance and continuing support for our franchisees as they make important decisions (again, benefits not typically found in our industry). When you contact us, you won’t be directed to a call center. We’re big enough to provide you with the resources and support you need, but small enough to provide personalized service and attention to detail. 

Franchisee Testimonials

“We have owned and run a Street Corner franchise for the last 8 years. Both my wife and myself must derive some pleasure in doing this for so long.”

Mike Parbhoo, Street Corner, Orlando, Florida.

“Everybody at Street Corner is very co-operative. They are always there when you need them. We love our business with lots of passion and in the future we would be happy to open another Street Corner.”

Mike Odhawni Street Corner #45