With flotation tanks, athletes are able to effortlessly float in a semi-submerged egg-shaped pod that reduces pain, muscle tension, blood pressure and inflammation. Users are able to float because the tanks use a solution of 35% epsom salt that increases water density. This technology has been so widely recognized that the Ohio State football team has started using it to benefit their entire program.
After their national championship in 2014, the Ohio State Football program started using a data-gathering sensor system that helped the strength and conditioning staff learn what stresses the players experience in daily workouts. After realizing the therapeutical benefits of flotation therapy, OSU’s program has implemented flotation therapy into most athletes’ recovery plan.
“We knew this was something the Buckeyes would be very, very interested in, in terms of helping us prepare and recover for that next training session, for that next practice or for that next game,” assistant strength and conditioning coordinator Phil Matusz told the Columbus Dispatch.
To read the full article, click here: http://www.si.com/tech-media/2016/07/06/ohio-state-buckeyes-football-sensory-deprivation-tanks